Trying to build 1.7.4 in docker in an AWS EC2 linux instance. When I try to do the release build I continually get the following error. I’m unable to locate the log file referenced here because it seems the image it’s working in gets removed when the build fails. Any help you could provide getting past this?
[ 17%] Performing build step for ‘ep_awssdk’
CMake Error at /home/tiledb/TileDB-1.7.4/build/externals/src/ep_awssdk-stamp/ep_awssdk-build-Release.cmake:16 (message):
Command failed: 2
See also
make[2]: *** [externals/src/ep_awssdk-stamp/ep_awssdk-build] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/ep_awssdk.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
The command ‘/bin/sh -c wget -P /home/tiledb{version}.tar.gz && tar xzf /home/tiledb/{version}.tar.gz -C /home/tiledb && rm /home/tiledb/{version}.tar.gz && cd /home/tiledb/TileDB-{version} && mkdir build && cd build && …/bootstrap --prefix=/usr/local --enable-s3 --enable-serialization --enable={enable} && make -j(nproc) && make -j$(nproc) examples && make install-tiledb && rm -rf /home/tiledb/TileDB-${version}’ returned a non-zero code: 2