I apologize for the delay. Your message got lost last week during the Holiday shuffle. Below is a walk through of copying the data from NetCDF to a TileDB group using xarray.
I am going to assume the depth, latitude, and longitude is the same in all files, and that you want data starting from Jan. 1, 2023 appending onward.
I used the following Python libraries:
import tiledb
import tiledb.cf
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
I downloaded three example files from Copernicus and set the desired location for my output TileDB group:
file1 = "SMOC_20230101_R20230111.nc"
file2 = "SMOC_20230102_R20230111.nc"
file3 = "SMOC_20230103_R20230111.nc"
group_uri = "smoc_group"
Then I created the initial dataset from the first file. Note that I explicitly set the encoding for the time in xarray. This is so the xarray metadata will be consistent in each dataset.
# Open dataset and update time encoding.
time_encoding_units = "hours since 2023-01-01T00:00:00"
dataset = xr.open_dataset(file1)
dataset["time"].encoding["units"] = time_encoding_units
# Create the encoding data for the TileDB arrays.
# Consider tuning the filters and tile extents based on your constraints.
filters = tiledb.FilterList([tiledb.ZstdFilter(level=7)])
main_attr_encoding = {
"tiles": (1, 1, 2041, 2160),
"filters": filters,
encoding = {var: main_attr_encoding for var in dataset}
for coord in dataset.coords:
encoding[coord] = {"filters": filters}
# I only explicitly set the tile size for the time coordinate, because the other coordinates can
# easily be loaded all at once, but this array might actually get large as you append over many
# years.
encoding["time"]["tiles"] = (1_000_000,)
# Create the group and copy metadata over.
Next, I create a function for copying data.
def copy_files(input_files, copy_coords=False):
# Hard-coded start time for time indexing.
start = np.datetime64("2023-01-01T00:00:00", "h")
time_encoding_units = "hours since 2023-01-01T00:00:00"
# Open the dataset
dataset = xr.open_mfdataset(input_files)
# Make sure the dataset uses the same start time as all other dataset.
dataset["time"].encoding["units"] = time_encoding_units
# Get the start and end time for the region.
def hour_offset(start, value):
time = value.data.astype(np.datetime64("", "h"))
return (time - start).astype("int")
t1 = hour_offset(start, dataset["time"][0])
t2 = hour_offset(start, dataset["time"][-1])
# Copy the data
region={"time": slice(t1, t2 + 1)},
skip_vars = None if copy_coords else {"depth", "latitude", "longitude"},
Finally, I copy the data. First I copy data from that first file including all of the coordinate data.
copy_files([file1], True)
Next, I copy the second two files. I skip the coordinate data, because the latitude, longitude, and depth are the same in every file.
copy_files([file2, file3])
The results can be accessed directly with TileDB or opened in an xarray dataset:
ds = xr.open_dataset(group_uri, engine="tiledb")