- I’m trying to write a sparse array in AWS S3 from python 3.6, Ubuntu 18.04 with the pip-installed stock version 0.4.3. conda install -c conda-forge tiledb would install a v1.*, with which import of tiledb fails. Using conda pip, though.
- The array works fine when written and read locally, but rewriting wrom scratch, adding the s3 bucket and prefix doesn’t seem to work.
- First tried with no explicitly set configs, e.g. just the env vars set
- also tried aws-syncing it to the bucket first, then reading it
- tried to set vfs configs to the credentials and region
- nevertheless I seem to get an
=> “Error message: Unable to connect to endpoint with address x.x.x.x”
My AWS user has r/w privileges to the bucket. I’m using the usual AWS env vars AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID , which operate fine with the AWS CLI.
First tried with ‘s3://my-bucket/my-prefix/my-array-name’, then ‘s3://my-bucket/my-array-name’ , no change.
Should be a fairly vanilla operation, isn’t it… any ideas, thanks in advance ?