Convert lat lon dimensions to Web Mercator

I am trying to follow the tutorial on TileDB youtube

Goal is to import ais csv, query it by given extents, and display the results on a map. The following code works fine, and I see the output map.

However the issue is the data imported into tileDB array has LAT LON dimensions as WGS84 coordinates. So when I try to display them on map, the points print but base map is wrong obviously. This is because points are expected to be in Web Mercator ( meters )

Like you can see I tried to convert, the dataframe like so, but it doesn’t work because arr.query does not bring in LAT and LON as attributes. I can probably do that and the conversion will work, however my question is since LAT LON dimensions are available on Array and on Dataframe, whats the most performant ( TileDB idiomatic way) to convert the array dimensions to Web Mercator? Either when querying or opening the dataset?

This is a prototype example so dataset is quite small., however eventually I might be dealing with a much larger set of points.

df.loc[:, "LON"], df.loc[:, "LAT"] = lnglat_to_meters(df.LON, df.LAT)  #<<<<< PROBLEM HERE

So is there a better way to do this than what am trying above by adding lat, lon to dataframe as attributes?

Full Code

import tiledb
import numpy as np
import pandas
from pandas_geojson import to_geojson
from pandas_geojson import write_geojson

from datashader.utils import lnglat_to_meters
import holoviews as hv
import holoviews.operation.datashader as hd
from holoviews.element import tiles
from matplotlib import cm
import subprocess



print("Querying data by bounds:")

xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = [-81.41, 30.24, -80.85, 30.54]

with tiledb.SparseArray("data/ais.tldb", mode="r") as arr:
    print(f"Array non-empty domain: {arr.nonempty_domain()}")

    df = arr.query(attrs=["MMSI", "VesselName"], dims=["LAT", "LON"]).df[
        ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax

    print("------Dataframe columns-------")


    print("------Array schema-------")

    print("------Convert dataframe to web mercator-------")
    # df.loc[:, "LON"], df.loc[:, "LAT"] = lnglat_to_meters(df.LON, df.LAT)  #<<<<< PROBLEM HERE

print(f"Retrived {len(df)} vessels in the area of interest")

background = tiles.CartoDark().opts(
    alpha=1, width=600, height=600, xaxis=None, yaxis=None

points = hv.Points(df, ["LON", "LAT"])
obj = background * hd.datashade(points, cmap=cm.plasma), "out.html")

subprocess.Popen("open", shell=True)

Console Output

(2, 17, 1)
Querying data by bounds:
Array non-empty domain: ((4.62448, 71.89011), (-159.61578, 145.46594), (numpy.datetime64('2023-04-20T00:00:00.000000000'), numpy.datetime64('2023-04-20T23:59:59.000000000')))
------Dataframe columns-------
Index(['MMSI', 'VesselName'], dtype='object')
------Array schema-------
    Dim(name='LAT', domain=(4.62448, 71.89011), tile=68.0, dtype='float64', filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Dim(name='LON', domain=(-159.61578, 145.46594), tile=100.0, dtype='float64', filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Dim(name='BaseDateTime', domain=(numpy.datetime64('2023-04-20T00:00:00.000000000'), numpy.datetime64('2023-04-20T23:59:59.000000000')), tile=numpy.timedelta64(100,'ns'), dtype='datetime64[ns]', filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='MMSI', dtype='int64', var=False, nullable=False, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='SOG', dtype='float64', var=False, nullable=False, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='COG', dtype='float64', var=False, nullable=False, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='Heading', dtype='float64', var=False, nullable=False, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='VesselName', dtype='<U0', var=True, nullable=True, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='IMO', dtype='<U0', var=True, nullable=True, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='CallSign', dtype='<U0', var=True, nullable=True, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='VesselType', dtype='float64', var=False, nullable=False, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='Status', dtype='float64', var=False, nullable=False, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='Length', dtype='float64', var=False, nullable=False, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='Width', dtype='float64', var=False, nullable=False, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='Draft', dtype='float64', var=False, nullable=False, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='Cargo', dtype='float64', var=False, nullable=False, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),
    Attr(name='TransceiverClass', dtype='<U0', var=True, nullable=False, enum_label=None, filters=FilterList([ZstdFilter(level=-1), ])),

------Convert dataframe to web mercator-------
Retrived 8300 vessels in the area of interest

Image Output

Update: One way I have solved this is by using GeoViews Library which build on HoloViews, and then setting the projections on display. Now you can see in the image output that base map shows correctly because the points are in right projection

However this is still not changing my array, which will be useful for me in other non display scenarios.

import geoviews as gv
from cartopy import crs

#change projection of display
points = gv.Points(df, ["LON", "LAT"])
obj = background * hd.datashade(points, cmap=cm.plasma, crs=crs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR), "out.html")

@shaunakv1 As you want to change the array I recommend adding “X” and “Y” attributes to the schema and performing the conversion on ingest of the AIS data.

Alternatively it is possible to evolve the schema after ingest ( and add “X” and “Y” attributes and set these values.