I have a tiledb array, and given a set of rows, i would like to update said rows by assigning it a matrix:
with tiledb.open("dense_array1", 'w') as A:
A[index,:] = data[index,:]
but i get the error:
IndexError: invalid index type: <class 'list'>
And when trying to use multi_index
, it get:
TypeError: 'MultiRangeIndexer' object does not support item assignment
I found in the documentation:
Dense Writes
A dense write is applicable to dense arrays and creates one or more dense fragments. In a dense write, the user provides:
The subarray to write into (it must be single-range).
So, is it correct my understanding that there is no straightforward way to do this? If not, is the best way to update a row would be to individually update each row?