GCS compatibility with Python API

Hello !

I am loving TileDB embedded so far, but when trying to use GCS as backend with Python following this page: Google Cloud Storage - TileDB Embedded Docs, it appears it is not available as I have the error TileDBError: [TileDB::VFS] Error: TileDB was built without GCS support.

I am using tiledb-py:0.13.2, and just setting config[“vfs.gcs.project_id”] to my project’s name as per the documentation.

Did I overlook something, or is it just not possible yet with tiledb-py ? If so, do you plan to make it available in the coming months ?

Thanks in advance !

Hi @Mathieu_Garrigues,

For Linux, we do not have GCS support enabled for the Python 3.10 wheels currently (built on manylinux2014), but if you switch to use the wheels for Python 3.9 or earlier versions (built on manylinux2010), then it should work.

We will work on making another release soon to enable GCS on all platforms and will update you when this is done.


Hi @Mathieu_Garrigues,

We have just released TileDB-Py 0.13.3 which now has GCS enabled for the Python 3.10 wheels. You may install the PyPI wheels from here. Please let us know if you encounter any more issues.


Hi Vivian,

That’s perfect, I had it working on 3.9 following your advice but that’s even better. Thank you and the team !