I am exploring tile db for managing large scale multi dimensional data. What are the best practices for optimizing data storage and query performance?
are there any recommended tools or integrations for visualizing TileDB data effectively?
Hi @almaalice098,
Thank you for the question!
I recommend starting with TileDB Academy to learn about hooking TileDB up with your object store for storing data TileDB. In TileDB Academy, you’ll also learn how to create TileDB arrays and configure how they’re structured for your use cases.
Once your data exists in TileDB arrays, you’ll query it using out-of-core operations, reducing the amount of data you’ll need to load into memory.
What kind of multi-dimensional data are you interested in working with?
We have multiple language-specific APIs for Python, R, etc. and also domain specific APIs such as TileDB-SOMA that works great for single cell data.
For visualizations, we have transformers to PyArrow and Pandas that you can use for plotting if you’re working in Python for example. In TileDB, you can also create and host custom dashboards for visualization purposes.